
The Sharing Economy of Video Games

The concept of the sharing economy has been around for a while now, and it has revolutionized the way we consume and share goods and services. In recent years, the sharing economy has expanded to include the world of video games. The sharing economy of video games allows gamers to share their games with others, or rent games from others at a fraction of the cost of purchasing them outright. This article explores the sharing economy of video games and how it has impacted the gaming industry.

What is the sharing economy of video games?

The sharing economy of video games refers to the practice of gamers sharing or renting their games to other gamers. This is typically done through online marketplaces that connect gamers who want to share their games with those who want to rent or borrow them. The sharing economy of video games has become popular in recent years as gamers look for ways to save money on gaming and reduce waste by sharing games with others. Many games are expensive, like Zelda Breath of the Wild costing $60-70 dollars new.

Benefits of the sharing economy of video games

One of the main benefits of the sharing economy of video games is the cost savings it provides to gamers. Purchasing new games can be expensive, and many gamers cannot afford to purchase every game they want to play. The sharing economy allows gamers to access a wide range of games at a fraction of the cost of purchasing them outright. This is particularly beneficial for gamers who only want to play a game once or twice and don’t want to spend a lot of money on a game they won’t play again.

The sharing economy of video games also promotes sustainability and reduces waste. By sharing games with others, gamers can reduce the number of games that end up in landfills or sitting unused on shelves. This is good for the environment and helps to promote a more sustainable gaming industry.

Finally, the sharing economy of video games fosters a sense of community among gamers. Gamers can connect with others who share their love of gaming and form new friendships through the sharing of games. This is particularly beneficial for gamers who may not have access to a local gaming community or who may not have friends who share their passion for gaming.

Challenges of the sharing economy of video games

While the sharing economy of video games offers many benefits, there are also some challenges associated with this practice. One of the main challenges is the risk of fraud. When renting or sharing games with others, there is always a risk that the other party will not return the game or will damage it. This can be frustrating for the owner of the game and can lead to disputes between gamers.

Another challenge of the sharing economy of video games is the issue of licensing. Many games are subject to licensing agreements that prohibit sharing or renting of the game. This means that gamers who engage in the sharing economy of video games may be violating these agreements and could face legal consequences.

Finally, the sharing economy of video games can also create competition for game developers and publishers. When gamers are able to access games at a fraction of the cost of purchasing them outright, this can lead to a decrease in sales for game developers and publishers. This can have a negative impact on the gaming industry as a whole, as it may discourage developers from creating new games or investing in new technologies.


The sharing economy of video games has become increasingly popular in recent years as gamers look for ways to save money on gaming and reduce waste. While there are challenges associated with this practice, the benefits are clear. The sharing economy of video games promotes sustainability, fosters a sense of community among gamers, and provides cost savings to gamers. As the gaming industry continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how the sharing economy of video games continues to impact the industry and how game developers and publishers respond to this trend.